In my EDU 211 class, we often discussed the value of evidence-based practices to guide our teaching. We explored a plethora of evidence-based practices used by teachers, and then went into the field and watched our own CTs use them. I left the class having a lot of knowledge surrounding the idea of evidence-based practices, but discovered a hole in my understanding during our EDU 342 class about data. I never thought about how the "evidence" part, and where teachers get their evidence from. I just assumed that an education researcher conducted a study and proclaimed a certain practice to be "evidence-based", and then everyone used that practice in their classrooms. It never dawned on me that teachers frequently use their own class data as evidence to create their own evidence-based practices. It makes perfect sense, considering every class is different, just as every student is different. Teachers use their own data to tailor their instruction and interventions spec...